Let's keep PEOPLE warm and dry with sleepingbag bed tents!

By Estranged Estate Join Me

At the end of the day

I made a donation page in memory of my dear friend Austin, who passed away last fall. His stories always had a moral to them, and they often started with the phrase "at the end of the day".  So, at the end of the day Austin, I am so sorry I couldn't be better for you, I know it's too late now.  I will still try every day to be better than I was the day before, for me.

I'm raising funds for Backpack Bed for Homeless

It's winter, and there are people sleeping OUTSIDE right now.  Estranged Estate LLC is raising funds to  buy instant all season  weatherproof shelter backpacks for as many people as possible.  If you didn't know, I was homeless for a short time after a clinic messed up a routine cortisone shot in my spine, resulting in chronic pain, nerve damage and minor paralysis that 

forced me to leave my career in healthcare a few years back, starting a downward spiral that left me without a place to live.  I was embarrassed, so I did not post about it.  Im willing to bet there are people on your friends list right now in similar situations you might not even know about. No one plans to be homeless, but most of us are just one major unfortunate  life event away.  Please help me raise funds to keep folks warm and dry this winter, even if it's only $1.00, cause  I know life kinda sucks and funds are tight, please don't forget to count your blessings,  even if you’re in need a sleeping bag tent backpack. Check them out tho super cool you'll want one either way. Thanks, love ya, share this or hop on! 

Dallas  Fischer                                    Owner/ Manager  Estranged Estate LLC